Thompson Exterior Services

Waterproofing Your High-Rise Buildings

Team Thompson Building Waterproofing and Caulking

Protection from April Showers

At Thompson Exterior Services we like to say, “the best offense is a good defense.” Waterproofing is a great example of this concept. As everyone knows, “April showers bring May flowers.” Unfortunately, April showers can also bring flooding and water damage – that’s enough to ruin your whole day. From a lucky Tuesday evening, to a mold infested, water-damaged lounge on Wednesday, we must be ready for anything at any time. Luckily, with proper waterproofing you can help avoid such issues.

Waterproofing involves the creation of a water-resistive barrier. Sealants, membranes, or specialized coatings may be used as a way to prevent water from entering your home or office space. There are a few ways that a building may be waterproofed. One such method that we specialize in at Thompson Exterior Services is caulking and sealant services. Caulk and sealant are used to fill in gaps between building materials. Caulk is rigid when it dries, whereas sealant has some elasticity to it when it dries. Thus, caulk is best for areas that do not stretch at all and sealant is best for areas with a bit of stretch. 

How would you know if your building needs proper waterproofing?

The quickest tell-tale sign would be interior leakage. Some exterior cladding will provide waterproofing, but this isn’t always the case. Check with your exterior service company, they may have specific recommendations for your particular building. You may wonder other than a bit of a wet floor once in a while, why you should care about waterproofing. The truth is that waterproofing can be very damaging to your home or office. It can crack walls and peel the paint right off the walls. Additionally, when water leaks into a building it can increase humidity levels. The water, along with increased humidity can destroy your belongings within. Waterproofing is not just important for protecting your belongings but also for the structural integrity of a building. Water can cause cracks in the foundation which can be a huge safety concern. 

Not only can water damage be dangerous to a building but it can also be dangerous to your health. Water leaks can lead to a buildup of mold and mildew if left untreated. Breathing in spores from mold and mildew can be detrimental to your health. They can lead to allergies, asthma, irritation and fungal infections. Water can also increase pest infestation. Other than not being pleasant to share your building with rodents and insects, it can also be dangerous. Some of these pests may carry disease. For the sake of your building and the health of the people in your building, waterproofing is essential. 


Team Thompson can help waterproof your building TODAY!

If you are in the New York Tri-state area, we highly recommend you give us a call at (732)997-8138 to help waterproof your building. If you are in a different area, call your local exterior services company to help waterproof your building. Remember it will likely cost you less to avoid the problem by waterproofing, then it will to fix the problem once water has damaged your building.


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